Window Shortcuts
This section lists all shortcuts that can be used in the Watch Window. Most of them can be changed in Preferences.
1. Ctrl+Mouse Scroll
Changes the width of value cells.
2. Shift+Mouse Scroll
Adjusts the height of variables.
3. Alt+Mouse Scroll
Scrolls through values horizontally (left/right).
4. Mouse Scroll
Scrolls through variables vertically (up/down).
5. F
Switches the selection direction to right/left.
6. Space
Expands the currently selected variable (if it has children).
7. Down
Moves to the next variable (below the current one).
8. Up
Moves to the previous variable (above the current one).
9. Left
Moves to the previous value (to the left of the current one).
10. Right
Moves to the next value (to the right of the current one).
Next chapter: Generator Overview